With the provisions of the Stability Law 2016, the residential rental contract at agreed rent (or facilitated) from the fiscal point of view is more convenient for both the owner and the tenant: but in which terms?

Let's find out beforehand what is "RENTAL AT AGREED RENT", or better 3 + 2, transients and for university student’s contracts.

These are rental contracts for which the amount of the rent is determined in the basis of tables / parameters published by the Municipalities and approved during bargaining by the trade unions / associations of owners and tenants.

With the new Ministerial Decree of January 16th 2017, becoming compulsory in the province of Verona on June 2nd 2017, are redefined the general criteria and conditions for the stipulation of a rental at agreed rent.

According to a series of parameters, then, the annual or monthly fee is determined and must be indicated in the contract.

Contractual parties, in defining the actual fee, are assisted by respective building and renter’s organizations. Moreover, Cofim Immobiliare is able to carry out the correct procedure directly related to the main category associations in order to facilitate and simplify its customers “life”.

Furthermore, the criteria identified by the Ministerial Decree are applied both to the territorial agreements signed in the Municipalities with "HIGH RESIDENTIAL TENSION" and to those signed in the other Municipalities. If a Municipality did not set up the "parameters" it is possible to make reference to the nearest municipality that has published them; therefore, for a few weeks, in all Municipalities of Italy it is possible to stipulate this contractual type FISCALLY convenient with consequent improve of the profitability of the residential property.

Let’s see now both advantages for the owner and the tenant:

Concerning tax advantages pertaining to income perceived by the lessor, two situations are highlighted: declared income for IRPEF purposes and for flat rate tax purposes.

If the income perceived by the lessor is reported in the income statement, because the contract has been stipulated under a conventional regime (the facilitated one the lessor boasts of a 30% discount on the tax base, which therefore reduces significantly the IRPEF to deposit.

For example: if I receive a “facilitated" rental fee of 5,000 euros I should calculate the 30%, that is to say 5.000 * 30% = 1.500 (the discount value). On 5,000 I take of the 1,500 discount, so the tax base on which the IRPEF is calculated is 3,500 euros.

If the landlord decides to adhere to the flat rate tax, the perceived income is taxed directly with a 10% discount .

For example, if I receive a "facilitated" rental fee of 5,000 euros, this is subjected to a tax of 5,000 * 10% = 500 euros.

The tenant, on the other hand, will first take advantage of a lower fee than the average market value, and in addition, if it is used the home rented out, will be able to use a deduction of the tax for the incomes gathered from IRPEF of € 495,80 if the total income does not exceed € 15,493.71. Or, if the total income is higher than € 15,493.71 but not higher than € 30,987.41, the deduction will be of € 247,90. Without forgetting the discount on the IMU (come out on the side of the landlord) and on TASI (come out on the side of landlord and tenant)

To find out more, please contact Cofim Immobiliare by phoning the number 045 800 11 99 or by writing to